Hello there. I’m so happy you’re exploring astrology as a tool for personal growth.
There are myriad ways to use this ancient system. I’ve seen it short cut months of confusion, helping my clients unpack and release toxic relationships, cultivate hope and peace, relieve suffering, and grant confidence when scheduling big transitions.
Horoscopes are really the least of it. Although, I offer those, too.
Astrology acts as sort of quantum portal. Through it, we can see all the possibilities available to us. We get to choose our own path. And yet, we’re also organic beings with periods of growth and contraction, just like all beings on Earth. Astrology locates us in that cycle and helps us depersonalize our lives.
my story
I came to astrology in the early 1990s, fresh out of college, trying to build a life. I was a budding journalist then and I pitched a story to a local alt weekly about the local “new age” movement. I consulted astrologers, psychics, past life regressionists and channelers.But it was the astrologer who blew my mind. It made no logical sense, but that one reading gave me a stronger sense of myself in my fragile early 20s.
As my journalism career bloomed, I secretly studied astrology in the aisles of esoteric bookstores and later, online. After my daughter was born, I used it to be the parent she needed me to be. And later, while I was writing a memoir about my own childhood trauma, I used my natal chart and those of my family members to heal generational wounds related to mental illness, motherlessness and abandonment.
astrology heals
Over time, I came to understand the power of astrology as a healing modality. I wanted to share it with everyone I knew. So I quietly transitioned out of my career in journalism, earned my astrological certifications and started my practice in 2014. Around the same time, I received my first and second reiki attunements, while studying dialectical behavior therapy with the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
During the pandemic, I realized my practice needed to expand beyond yearly forecast readings. People sought me out for monthly consults as they navigated divorces, deaths and career endings. During that profound era, my approach evolved to something deeper, more intimate and more soul-centered. A lot of clients now call me their astrological therapist.
learn with me
As a teacher, via my Patreon, as a monthly lecturer at Soho House Nashville and as the president and founder of the Nashville Astrology Club, I blend a grounded, analytical approach to astrology with open-heartedness. You can find my research on my Substack and in The Mountain Astrologer and the Organization for Professional Astrologers magazine The Evolving Astrologer. I respect free will and common sense. There are many ways to make sense of the human experience. Astrology is one that has thousands of years of anecdotal evidence. There’s no need to “believe.” It just works.