• Nashville astrologer Gina Piccalo just after the Virgo New Moon at Cornelia Airpark in East Nashville


    It begins with your birth data. Your life's narrative is rooted in the quality of time, the moment you were born. We consider what aspects of Self are being called forward now. We locate you in the timeline. We glance ahead to see what's coming. This bird's eye view is often enough to validate feelings simmering under the surface and settle unwarranted fears. We let the moment guide us.

  • Nashville astrologer Gina Piccalo just after the Virgo New Moon at Cornelia Airpark in East Nashville


    A month later, we meet again. This time, you've experienced the astrology in real time. Clarity gained in the first session has settled into an emerging confidence. You've glimpsed the power of this tool and now you have more questions. We may decide to plot out the coming weeks + months, using the best astrology. Or we might dig deeper into the past, seeking answers. The goal is to enhance understanding + self-love.

  • Nashville astrologer Gina Piccalo just after the Virgo New Moon at Cornelia Airpark in East Nashville


    In this third session, a month after the last, we fine-tune our work together. While some problems have no doubt resolved, new questions have emerged. If we haven't already, we plot your course for the next 18 months with cherry picked dates for the best outcomes. We discuss how best to navigate the challenges of the current cycle, weighing the astrological cycles against your own nature. You leave with a clarified sense of purpose and renewed faith in yourself.


  • Absolutely yes. The precise time you were born is used to orient the rest of the Natal Chart. Without that, we’re going to have a much MUCH harder time timing events in your life — and even getting to the key themes in your personality. However, if you’ve called your mom, unearthed your baby book and ordered your birth certificate and still have no exact birth time, we go to Plan B. You give me five or more significant life turning points — births, marriages, divorces, deaths, graduations — and for an additional fee, I reverse engineer your chart to find your most likely birth time.

  • Fear is a hell of a drug. It's motivating, yes, but also demoralizing and imho, mostly unnecessary. In my five decades of life, three of which I've tracked using astrology, I've learned that even during the darkest moments there is light. When you’re covered up with crisis, my aim is to get you grounded and empowered. I validate your feelings and find the end date of the drama/suffering. Then I find the good news — because it’s always there.

  • Astrologers are people, too. Some are more self-aware than others. Some enjoy the power they wield over vulnerable people. Some haven't practiced long enough to see the nuance in the system. Sometimes they have a bad birth time and that skews the entire reading. I’ve had my share of bad readings. It's why I became an astrologer. Here’s what I think: You’re in charge of your own life. Astrology acts as a useful GPS to help you navigate your journey. There so much overwhelm and anxiety in this world that the last thing I want to do is generate more. I use astrology to uplift and inspire, to relieve you of shame and self-doubt and to renew your faith in yourself.

  • The short answer is no. If you're looking for a fortune teller who can read your mind, this is not that. Sometimes an astrological reading can be so spot on that clients often believe their astrologer is reading their mind. But astrology is a synchronistic system of symbols built on thousands of years of anecdotal evidence. It takes at least a decade of live chart reading to master its nuance at the most basic level. When it's done masterfully it can feel like magic.

    Long answer: Kind of. I've had some unexplainable experiences. There was a time when I was seeing people's ancestors at every reading and channeling their guides via automatic writing. I stopped doing it that because it wasn't my most comfortable healing modality. I'm highly intuitive and read energies without really trying. But I don't practice any of this professionally and I don't call myself a psychic.